Nancy Pelosi
has stayed silent.

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Enabling an anti-Semite to spread her hate

Upon her arrival to the House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi placed Ilhan Omar on the powerful House Foreign Relations Committee. This came despite a clear anti-Semitic and anti-Israel bias, revealed through a 2012 tweet by Omar about the “evil” country of Israel “hypnotizing the world”.

Omar celebrates her appointment to the Foreign Relations Committee on Twitter

Running cover for anti-Semitic ideas

After a series of blatantly anti-Semitic statements made by representative Ilhan Omar, Nancy Pelosi was forced to react. At first she forcefully condemned the statements and called them what they were: anti-Semitic and offensive, calling on Omar to apologize.

Shortly after her initial condemnation, Pelosi began to receive backlash from the Democratic Party’s progressive wing. She was forced to publicly backtrack on her statement, instead running cover for Omar’s anti-Semitism, stating “I don’t believe it was intended in an anti-Semitic way”, “I don’t believe she understood the full weight of her words”.

Pelosi defends anti-Semitism as an issue of ignorance

Immediately after the incident, the house planned to respond with a resolution condemning Omar directly and anti-Semitism in all forms. Unfortunately the progressive wing of the Democratic Party continued to defend Omar’s anti-Semitism, and again forced Pelosi to run cover for her by removing her Ilhan Omar’s name from the resolution and watering it down to include all forms of hate, not just anti-Semitism which was the initial spirit of the vote.

In more recent weeks the senate passed a unanimous 100-0 vote specifically condemning anti-Semitism in all forms, senate leaders called on Pelosi to do the same, she has yet to respond.

When Rashida Tlaib attempted to rewrite history and falsely claim that Palestinians, who were in cahoots with the Nazis, helped Jewish refugees during the Second World War Pelosi stood firmly by her side. During that same interview Rashida Tlaib stated that thinking of the holocaust gave her a “calming feeling”.

Pelosi tweets her support for the offensive interview by Tlaib

Rules for thee but not for me

After a series of racially insensitive statements by Republican Representative Steve King, King was censured by the full House of Representatives, condemned personally by Pelosi, and removed from committee posts. No such action has been taken against Tlaib or Omar for their repeated anti-Semitic and anti-Israel statements and ties.

Join Defeat Anti-Semitism and it’s members in calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to formally remove Representative Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Relations Committee for repeatedly making Anti-Semitic Comments.