Stop the rising tide
of anti-Semitism.
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi to formally remove Representative Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee for repeatedly making Anti-Semitic Comments.
Take ActionSenate Minority Leader Charles Schumer to use his position of leadership to prevent anti-Israel policy, and demonizing rhetoric from becoming part of the Democratic Party’s discourse.
Take ActionDemocratic National Committee to adopt President Obama’s 2008 definition of anti-semitism and an anti-BDS platform for the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
Take ActionDemocratic Presidential Candidates to formally commit to maintaining the US Embassy in Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.
Take ActionEvery Federal Office holder to denounce BDS formally, as hate speech, and anti-Semitism.
Take ActionSpeaker Nancy Pelosi and the Majority Democratic Caucus to bring to a House vote the bipartisan Cruz - Kaine resolution condemning anti-Semitism, which passed the Senate 100-0.
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